The tried-and-tested software solution for managing chemicals
Chemical management - safe and convenient with diaLIMS
Our business software helps you to comply with relevant guidelines (GLP, ISO 9001, ISO 17025, REACH) and supports you efficiently in the management of chemicals. You can record and manage chemicals with all their properties and data conveniently and clearly in a single database.
Feature overview
- Graphical warehouse management
- Labelling of hazardous chemicals according to REACH/GHS regulation
- Management of hazardous substances and dangerous goods
- Support for national and international guidelines & standards
- Direct creation of batch labels
- Monitoring of expired chemical batches
- Assignment of the standard batches used to measurement series
- Management of samples
Management and monitoring of chemicals and raw materials - from goods receipt to traceability
diaLIMS guarantees a convenient, comprehensive overview of all interrelationships as well as full support in the management and monitoring of all chemicals that are required and subject to labelling. Changes to data managed with our software are always traceable.
Orders can be recorded directly in our system, with all information on suppliers, manufacturers and conditions. Batches with all the necessary identification information (e.g. product, quantity, shelf life) are automatically generated in the system as soon as a delivery is received.
All chemicals at a glance
With the storage management module, you can efficiently document and manage storage locations and optimise storage and transfer processes.
Divide chemicals into the necessary storage and hazardous substance classes, add instructions for handling the raw materials and define storage locations for the various hazardous substances.
The history and use of each chemical can be fully documented and optimally researched.
This makes diaLIMS the perfect solution for use in your laboratory.
All raw material batches with their respective utilisation status can be conveniently viewed in the system.
Create predecessor and successor batches using utilisation postings or batch postings, define correction postings or disposal postings and navigate conveniently through the entire batch hierarchy. This allows you to carry out fast and effective batch tracing at any time.
Chemikalienlager - aber sicher
Unsere Software gewährleistet Ihnen die vollumfängliche Digitalisierung der Lagerprozesse. Das interne Audit-Trail zeigt dabei die vollständige Rückverfolgbarkeit aller Eingaben und Änderungen auf.
Etiketten wie Lager-, Gefahrstoff- oder Kennzeichnungsetiketten lassen sich direkt aus diaLIMS heraus erzeugen inklusive der Gefahrstoffsymbole und ermöglicht die Anbindung an verschiedene Waagen, Barcodescanner und andere mobile Endgeräte.
Chemical storage - but safe
Our software guarantees the complete digitalisation of your warehouse processes. The internal audit trail shows the complete traceability of all entries and changes.
Labels such as storage, hazardous substance or labelling labels can be generated directly from diaLIMS, including hazardous substance symbols, and enables connection to various scales, barcode scanners and other mobile devices.
Directive-compliant chemical handling
Make relevant safety and hazardous substance information quickly and easily accessible to every employee.
All data on hazardous substance categorisation for raw materials can be stored in the system and displayed as warning notices. The hazardous substance symbols are always visible to the user during every sample handling operation.
With the module for product management, diaLIMS supports you in the creation of safety data sheets and raw material lists, REACH and GHS compliant.
Would you like to find out more about our chemicals management software solution and other topics in diaLIMS?
Send us an enquiry using our contact form and our customer service team will get in touch with you shortly.
We would be happy to visit you at your premises and present our software solution for your company.
A remote presentation is also possible without any problems.